Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Day 9 - June 13

Last day in NY. A very difficult start to the morning after spending the previous evening in Times Square. I ended up catching a late movie and without the trusty guide book managed to navigate most of the Subway system, making it as far as the Bronx before finding my way to the correct station. The subway at that time of the morning is a most interesting place. Ever wonder how they get rid of the garbage from New York each evening?

We had some time to kill so walked around the edge of South Manhattan before finding a small park with views of the Statue of Liberty and had lunch. Isabel promptly returned the lunch all over my legs – someone has to feed the squirrels!

AMTRAK was once again the transport of choice. A kind porter grabbed our luggage and sneaked us onto the platform ahead of the crowd. A very comfortable rail trip and I watched the Wallabies and Samoa which I had downloaded the previous evening.

Washington DC greeted us with an afternoon thunder and lightning display which made taxi the most obvious way of reaching our hotel. A late night wander revealed we were only 10 minutes from the White House.

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