Thursday, June 23, 2005

Toy soldiers
Does ayone know who this is??
A bit of culture
Rollercoaster boys
Ready for launch
..... and another
Kirsten on a ride !!!!
Happily ever after

Day 18 - June 22

Having survived Disneyland we went across the plaza today to "The California Adventure Park". This park contains a lot more big boy rides and shorter lines so Liam and myself were much happier. Poor old Isabel didn't meet the height requirement on many of the rides, although she did manage "The Tower of Terror". She felt just like a puppy shaking with fear and this evening found a convenient new reason for not going to sleep.

Liam is without fear when it comes with rides and is now officially confirmed as a bona fide roller coaster freak. We survived two days and I am not sure how those masochists who buy 4 or 5 day passes survive as a family unit.
The most common pose - Isabel on the shoulders and standing in line!!
The kids and some dog
Parade time
Splash mountain - Isabel in the wet seat
Autopia - Liam heaven
Rocket ride ...
At the front enterance to the "Happiest Place" in the World
One ticket to Disney