Saturday, June 18, 2005

So Washington DC is not left out - "White House Squirrel"

Day 14 - June 18

No sick kids today!! We rented a car and made for Annapolis - sailing capital of the US and also home to the Naval Academy. We walked the "fancy' (as Isabel would say) grounds of the Academy and visited the final resting place of John Paul Jones. The streets of Annapolis are also extremely historic and subsequently filled with expensive shops and were super crowded. One highlight however was the Maryland State House which is a majestic building and was briefly the capital of the US in 1783-84. Liam has been able to put a picture to so much of that American history he has been learning at school.

After dinner we all wandered down past the White House and on to the Memorials to see them in their grandeur at night.
JFK - the final resting place
Reflections - Vietnam Memorial
Remembering - Vietnam Memorial
Lincoln/Washington Memorials from the Potomac
Cruisin' - Russian Embassy High School Graduation
Cruisin' the Potomac

Day 13 - 17 June

This morning it was Isabel's turn to be sick - all over the breakfast table. Liam and I headed over to "Historic George Town". Historic seems to be just another excuse for fancy shopping area, although the back streets were dotted with about ten ex-Kennedy residences and the residential area was very nice.

With time to kill we took a cruise on the Potomac with the high school graduating class from the Russian Embassy, complete with shady looking chaperones. After lunch I went for run through the Mall, over the Arlington Bridge and on to Arlington cemetery where I joined the masses at the Kennedy's final resting place. There were fewer people at the freshly turned soil where the casualties from the latest conflict are!!

In the evening we headed over to Steve O'Hearn's place for dinner. We had a great evening of home cooking and wine whilst the kids spent several hours chasing and collecting fireflies.