Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Day 4 - June 8

The sleeping in theme continued today ... Liam and Isabel are relishing not having the 6:30 wake up for school. Newport, Rhode Island! A town known for the America's Cup, where Australian yachting had those many attempts before destroying the mystique and the essence of the contest by having the temerity to finally win.

We started with a pleasant ocean drive where the scenery competes with the majestic houses. Despite the large number of mansions the area is surprisingly natural. Squirrels abound and for the kids were quite a novelty - I guess they are pest to the locals?

After lunch we visited the "Breakers" - the Vanderbilt's little summer cottage. Unfortunately the Currigee fibro house, although special, just doesn't compete with this as holiday house. 70 rooms (the home back in NY only had 156), 23 servants and an interior that would do justice to any palace. The mind boggles that this, "Marble House", "The Elms" and other vacationers would only be used for 8-12 weeks a year!! Apparently the parties were pretty good.

Gladys the youngest daughter had the foresight to open the "Breakers" in 1948 to raise money for the Historical Preservation Society - probably one of the reasons that this and ten other of these mansions are open to the public today.

Went for a run around the cliff walk and back down magnificent Bellevue Avenue where so many of these mansions are built.

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