Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Day 3 – June 7, 2005

9:30 AM was the leisurely hour that the Salter family arose this morning, throwing all our plans for the day in disarray. So much for the theory of the kids being the wake up call each morning. By the time we had breakfast, packed and checked out it was almost eleven and we hopped on the subway for the JFK Library.

The John F Kennedy Memorial Library was well worth the effort and delayed travel plans. The memorabilia is first rate and the Kennedy story is a great yarn – so many great moments in history occurred on his watch. Liam’s knowledge of US Presidents far out weighs that of Australian Prime Ministers and is something that will change when he returns to school in Australia.

Time to leave Boston behind and we are now on the bus to Newport, Rhode Island to stay with Brett and Robin Sampson.

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